Accessing Market Data

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Market data is available from authorized vendors or directly from the CSE.

Through an Authorized Vendor

Market Data vendors provide access to the feeds (native and normalized to the vendor’s standard protocol) and also provide display services through work station or internet-based products.

Market access vendors bundle the data with order entry, smart routing and execution management capabilities.

To become an authorized market data vendor, please email

Directly Through the CSE

The CSE offers direct access to its equity data feed services from its Toronto data centres. The CSE has the following hosting facilities.  Copper (1 Gig) and Single Mode Fiber (1 and 10 Gig) connectivity is available at each data centre.

Primary: Equinix Inc. - TR2
45 Parliament Street
Toronto, ON M5A 2Y5

Secondary: Equinix Inc. - TR1
151 Front Street
Toronto, ON M5J 2N1

Clients may also connect to the data via extranet partners and direct connectivity providers.

Production Connectivity

Cross-Connect: Clients with facilities at Equinix data centres may request an in-house cross-connect from their Point of Presence (PoP) to the CSE.

Extranet Provider: The CSE is currently on-network with the following extranet providers. Please contact the extranet provider directly to arrange for connectivity to the CSE.

Alicia VanDeVeer
GuavaTech Inc.
GT Sales Team
Intercontinental Exchange (ICE)
Brian Norris
IPC Systems Inc.
Mike Smith
Options Technology Ltd.
Pico Quantitative Trading LLC
Bruce P. Boytim
Transaction Network Services Inc. (TNS)
Financial Services Division Exchange & Venue Team

Point-to-Point: Clients may connect using a point-to-point connection through leased lines.

Connectivity to Test Environment

For immediate connection to the test environment, clients can connect via the Internet to our public address. Clients must provide the CSE with their public IP address from which the traffic will be sourced. Clients also need to identify which services they wish to access, and supply a technical contact.

Bandwidth Requirements

The table below provides bandwidth guidelines for the CSE-hosted service, as of April 1, 2021.

Service Bandwidth
Multicast Market Data Feed 30 Mb/s

Agreements and Forms

In order to access real-time data services, clients must execute the appropriate CSE agreements and forms. Where possible, the CSE has incorporated industry best practices and standard forms to facilitate the process of completing the documents.

Contact Us

For market data related inquiries, please email or call 416-572-2000.

Contact The Team

How can we help you?

Contact the CSE team to find out more.

Need more information?

Have questions? Leave your email and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as we can.