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Notice 2022-005 - CSE2 Trading Fee Schedule

October 6, 2022

The Canadian Securities Exchange has received regulatory approval for the CSE2 Trading Fee Schedule that will take effect on Monday, October 24, 2022.

Description of fees:

For securities less than $1:

- for non-retail: the active rebate is $0.0004 and the passive fee is $0.0009
- for Trader IDs classified as Retail traders, the active rebate is $0.0008

For securities equal or greater than $1:

- for non-retail: the active rebate is $0.0020 and the passive fee is $0.0028
- for Trader IDs classified as Retail traders, the active rebate is $0.0027

Unintentional Cross:

- No charge between Registered individual Trader IDs
- Unless an election has been made for both Trader IDs on an unintentional cross, the cross will be billed according to the fee schedule

Intentional Cross:

- $0.0002 credits will be applied to intentional crosses with a cap of $200 per trade
- Credits will be apportioned between all Dealers that execute Intentional Crosses on CSE2 each month based on their respective share of the first 100 million shares of  intentional crosses printed on CSE2 each month.

Dark Trades: No charge

Oddlot Trades: No charge

Debt Securities: The same as current CSE primary book

Volume Incentive Program: $0.0001 credit will be applied to eligible passive trades for related Trader ID(s) that achieve a monthly passive volume of 300 million shares across all CSE traded securities

A detailed CSE2 Trading Fee schedule: Trading Fee Schedule

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact: